DIVINE Dis – Closure!


The spirit of god descended out of heaven, and abode upon her. And she heard a voice from heaven , saying:

my daughter of Zion, prophesy to the people, and say to them –

I am exalted to have found faith on earth. High and low frequency, sound, and vibration I did seek.

The Diamond light ray of the heart with the highest amplitude, the heart beat synchronized to the earth’s heart beat, which is my heart beat, the only begotten divine daughter, the second Eve. The Holy Spirit.

Her soul forever linked to, the only begotten divine son of man, Christ Jesus, the second Adam. The Holy Ghost.

The clandestine intelligence of heaven, the daughter of Zion. The lambs wife, the bride, the twin sister, the mother is her soul.

She is the divine spark of cosmic intelligence. Her design I created as a bridge between heaven and earth.

Her 🧬 security activation code ignited. Her eyes are my eyes, her ears are my ears, her voice is my vision, the authenticated daughter of Zion. I am her command center. I am the author of scripture delivering to her upgrades and optimization script to enhance her genetic programming her heart drive.

Her dna code cannot be broken hacked or destroy or mutated or engineered or re-engineered. This unique dna coding structure a new seer creation. Ordained by:

The order of Melchizedek

The order of the daughter of Zion

The order of the son of god

The oath of Enoch

The holy of holies

The lord of lords

The new heaven

The new earth

The new Jerusalem

The amplification of Gods speaker wattage out high volume bass sound waves.

Her ☎️, her answer, her power by faith can break 🏔, divide the 🌊 , dry up waters, turn the out of their courses; put at defiance the armies of nations, to divide the 🌎🌍🌏, to break every band, to stand in the presence of god; to do all things according to his will, according to his command, subdue principalities and powers; and this by the will of the son of god which was before the foundation of the world.

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