Week 3 – 1 Corinth 10:13

Week 3 – 1 Corinth 10:13

This verse targets my biggest struggle which is depression. I feel as though I have been going through trials and temptations that are beyond what I can bear. I am now reaching for something greater than myself to change these feeling because honestly I have nothing left to keep me on my feet.

Believing and loving God is my only option for relief from the pain that I constantly have. I battle with negative thinking and have been to group therapy, counseling, classes etc. and still find to be in a depressive state. Nothing is working so I will now give it all to God, that is all there is to it.

I was lead to a verse in 1 Corinthians that gave me a better understanding of the challenges I face and how God will never let my depression overtake me. The verse states that no temptation, no matter where it comes from or where it leads will overtake me. Any of the temptations that I face is common to all of man. No trial has come to me that is beyond human resistance.

But God is faithful (to his word), and He can be trusted not to let me be tempted and tried beyond my ability. I have the strength of resistance and the power to endure. I have the right to refusal to not accept or comply with my depression. I have the power to fight this even though it is painful and difficult. I have the patience and determination to survive this bad season.

God will always provide the way out but I have to remain patient that He will provide me with the means to an escape. That escape route, whatever it is, will be the light at the end of the tunnel that I so desperately need. My faith and hope is that light.